Friday, January 30, 2015

Into the Streets of LONDON

To me, whenever someone mentions London, I always think of fashion. I feel that anywhere in the United Kingdom screams, fashion!  The streets of London just seem to be an international fashion hub - a go-to place for troubled fashionistas to gain some inspiration.

When I think of London, the first street style that comes to mind is a sophisticated kind of look. The items that come to mind are long trench coats, slacks,  heels, and blazers - a kind of "business woman chic" look.

All photos © this blog

Friday, January 23, 2015

Into the Streets of TOKYO

Tokyo, Japan is known for its people to dress up pretty strangely and crazily - and if people were to dress up like them here, everyone would secretly be judging them wondering "What the heck are they wearing...?"

However in Japan, a trending style there is called Harajuku. Not only is it the name of a neighborhood in Tokyo, it's also a term used to describe teenagers and other young people to express themselves by dressing up in their own self-invented fashion and cosplaying as well.

(And for those that don't know, cosplay is a term used to describe people who dress up like fictional characters from movies, anime, and even video games)

The great thing about Harajuku fashion is that everyone can dress up however they want, without the fear of being judged by others. The main reason why people in other countries may think their fashion is weird is because they put things together that others would not even consider as fashionable. They would put colors that clash in the worst possible ways together, have stuffed animals hanging from their belts, where bright blue lipstick or even wear weird patterns on top of weird patterns on top of weird patterns.

All photos © this blog

Friday, January 16, 2015

Into the Streets of SEOUL

A huge trend in Seoul, South Korea for women these days is the "boyish" look - or in other words, adding a "tomboy" aspect to a seemingly feminine outfit (as a bare minimum of course). Adding boyish accessories always does the trick to complete this look. Like beanies, snapbacks, big watches, and tennis shoes with brands from Nike, Jordan, and Adidas. Boyish clothing on a girl works as well - boyfriend jeans, loose joggers, and even oversized shirts.

Someone who I feel pulls this "boyish" look quite well and frequently if I might add, is Korean model, Irene Kim. Irene always manages to add some kind of boyish flare to any of her outfits! Not only does she have killer fashion, her ever changing hair color always seems to stand out in the streets of Seoul.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Blog 1: Introduction

Well for starters, my name is Jirla Jem Salvador but to keep it simple for me and for others, I go by Jirla. I'm a journalism major and am planning to go San Francisco State University in the fall. My parents had this farfetched dream of me being some kind of news anchorwoman, and right now it actually doesn't sound too bad - or at least something in that kind of line of work or anything in broadcast journalism.

I honestly love learning about Asian cultures and lifestyles, and in particular Asian foods and fashion. I decided to narrow down and broaden (if that makes any sense at all) my theme for this blog to just street fashion, however not just in Asia rather street fashion around the world. What interests me most about street fashion is that it's completely different from the things you would see on a high fashion runway. It's just what seemingly normal/average people wear as they walk down the street and still manage to look unique and trendy.

So basically on this blog, I will be posting different types of street fashion from different places in the world, how they differ and what trends are going on for that area.

Street Fashion trends: Harpers Bazaar Edition