Jenn Im, better known as ClothesEncounters on Youtube, is probably one of the most down-to-earth person ever! She's Korean-American and surprisingly enough, is best friends with Stephanie Villa (SoothingSista - from my last blog post). She has 1.2 million subscribers on Youtube and 820 thousand followers on Instagram!!

What I love most about Jenn Im other than her amazing sense of fashion are just her videos and how she presents herself. She speaks so clearly and eloquently and easy-going and all her videos just seem so relatable - as if she's talking to you face-to-face; as a friend.
Another reason why I love her so much is that she literally looks good in everything. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE. But she can pull off any look, whether it's preppy, casual, dressy, grunge, classy, and even boho chic (the list goes on but I can't think of anymore categories at this moment).
Her videos on Youtube vary, too! Not only does she have videos on the outfits she wears, she has beauty tutorials, monthly favorites, vlogs of her traveling, and my favorite, "what would Jenn wear" - a set of videos she makes for when fans tweet at her asking her for fashion advice.
And although she lived in the Bay Area for majority of her young adult life, and said that her heart is set here, she recently moved back to Los Angeles for a fresh new start. (But because she lived in the Bay Area for so long, I had to put her under Oakland hehe).
Regardless, I think Jenn Im is great and inspirational. Fin.
Great post. Love all the pics!